What people are saying about our Work.

“Michelle is absolutely one of the most forward-thinking individuals I've ever met. She is able to work with you through details that must get done while never loosing site of the overall vision to be achieved.

She is a thoughtful leader who is careful to consider all the variables while stretching everyone in the room to be their very best. If you're considering investing in training for your financial institution there is no one better to deploy in your organization. She will build a force that has buy-in, pride in their work and who aren't afraid to set high goals.

Your competition will immediately recognize you've done something different. Michelle is the best and you won't regret working with her or her incredible team!”

- Shannon, Chief Executive Officer, Board Member, Small Business Owner

I worked with Michelle.  She was probably the best business banker I've ever worked with, incredibly detailed and responsive to the customers. 

- Becky, Chief Administrative Officer

“I am incredibly grateful to have had the privilege of learning from Michelle's leadership. Michelle is strategic, thoughtful, and driven. She offers a partnership that encourages both, growth and direction. Her dynamic approach is impactful and long lasting. Michelle's teachings and guidance will continue to have a positive, long-lasting impact on my personal and professional life.”

- Kayla, Vice President

"Michelle is a highly skilled leader and talented team player. She's inclusive in her approach to team dynamics, embraces diverse thought, and treats every aspect of the work with integrity and a commitment to successful outcomes for everyone involved. We partnered on developing a startup pitch and business plan and we all benefited from Michelle's abilities in business strategy, customer and product development and marketing innovations."

Tai, Chief Operating Officer, fellow student at Harvard

“Michelle's contributions have been pivotal to the growth and success of my team since the summer of 2022. Michelle has been an integral part of our journey, playing a key role in establishing operational support items such as performance policies, implementing company-wide training initiatives around leadership, processes, and sales. Michelle is an incredible listener, and knows how to take big problems and create lasting solutions that support the scalability of the company. She's also an empathetic and compassionate leader. Since Michelle joined us, we've experienced remarkable growth, nearly doubling our revenue year over year. Her expertise has been instrumental in helping us create the necessary structure, processes, and job roles required to sustain and scale at this impressive rate. She refined our employee job descriptions and KPIs to allow for better accountability structures. Michelle has not only been a driving force behind our leadership programs but has also provided invaluable support to the CEO in navigating the challenges of a rapidly growing business. I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone seeking guidance in leadership development, operations, mentorship, or strategic business growth.”

- Mary, Chief Executive Officer

“Words cannot express the life changing impact Michelle had on both my personal and professional life. Her ability to recognize potential in others and provide them with visibility for growth is unique. She is a selfless leader and constantly encourages her teams to continue learning and innovating to find true value for themselves and others. Michelle’s intentional dedication to the success of others is a trait rarely seen at such a senior level. She is a triple threat of intelligence, dedication and compassion. She was more than a boss, more than a mentor, more than a friend; she exemplifies the type of leader I aspire to be.”

- Ashlee, Senior Vice President

“Michelle is the epitome of true Leadership. Completely dedicated to her field of work. Everything she does starts with a plan and successfully sticks with it until the mission is accomplished. I have always been impressed with her knowledge, organization and work ethic. She is sure of herself yet not over confident.

Michelle adds value to any organization and finds the work to improve processes. It is my pleasure to recommend her without hesitation.”

- Felicia, Vice President, Global Human Resource Manager

“When Michelle asked me to take part in a panel she had put together, I really wanted to dig deep into her mission & vision. Wow, what she is doing for women in the business space is absolutely phenomenal. She is energetic, innovative and fully understands the concept of peer support as we grow as leaders, and it’s importance, especially for female entrepreneurs. Her podcast and programs are so authentic and so relevant. I found myself, even as a panelist, taking notes and wanting more info from the others sharing their life experiences. Michelle brings to the table a savvy business background, outside of the box thinking, and valuable guidance in all she does. I’m thrilled to be connected to Michelle Dahl, her coaching methodology and the Female Roundtable!”

- Darlene, Senior Vice President

“The Female Roundtable is a wonderful way to connect women that might otherwise not have an opportunity to meet and share experiences. The topics that Michelle and her team bring forward are relevant and insightful for today’s women and the leaders she brings to speak are some of the best in their industries.”

- Heather, Executive Vice President

“What can I say about all we have been through....you are a leader.  You are someone who has the art of moving people towards a common goal.  Your plans provided “structure”.  A way to get from A to B.  That provided actionable items to achieve a goal.  Breaking things into manageable, clear pieces so that hard goals seem attainable. 

You weren’t easy.....I’m not going to lie.  You did the ‘hard stuff’.  Sometimes said uncomfortable things.  But you made me so much better Michelle.  (I mean that with love in my heart).  As our relationship grew, I learned that I could trust you.  That even if I made a mistake, I could plead my case, tell you my thought process and you would have my back.”

- Nikki, Vice President

““Michelle was a remarkable member of our team.  She is the best sales manager I’ve ever worked with.  Within 6 months, she turned an underperforming group of bankers to one that was top in the company.  She is an outstanding critical thinker and problem solver.

 Michelle gets more done in a day than most people do in a week.  The quality of her work is top of the line.  She created numerous training, marketing, and internal processes that it is difficult to define and measure the scope of her impact on the organization.

 Work excellence aside, Michelle is one of the most genuine, kind people in the organization.  She knows the emotional intelligence it takes to help her team.

 As a business leader, rarely do you find that kind of employee that makes you say, ‘Wow, I wish I had 100 more just like this one’.  Michelle is that kind of person.  I’m lucky to have had the chance to work with her.

- Shon, Executive Vice President

“If I could choose three words that adequately describe Michelle and her work, they would be: driven, dynamic and strategic. She is a driver for change who brings a big picture approach to projects, ensuring all of the short term & long-term goal boxes are checked. I was blessed to have had the opportunity to work alongside Michelle on a team, she is an absolute wealth of knowledge. “

- Jessica, Senior Vice President

"Looking back through our careers, there are certain people who stand out as having made an extraordinary impact in our lives. Michelle Dahl is that person, not only for myself, but for a multitude of others.

She leads with a genuine heart and remarkable intellect. She embodies the best in all aspects of leadership and in turn inspires the same in everyone around her. A visionary, disruptor, champion of people, and light in the world of banking. I recommend Michelle with absolute conviction to any organization seeking significant growth."

- Phil, Head of Business Banking

“I have had two situations getting to know Michelle pretty well: first as classmates at the Harvard Extension School and then as part of her Female Roundtable inaugural session.

In both situations, Michelle exhibited a very effectual combination of being super smart, wise, calm, genuine, caring, motivated, spirited, broad-minded, and purposeful.
Combine those qualities with her natural strength to be a strategic & visionary level thinker as well a keenly focused & graceful orchestrater and doer - and you have an amazing, "make it happen” champion in any endeavor she undertakes.

Michelle’s core passion is to help and support women professionals in their work, businesses and careers, and she does this through many different avenues and ventures including through the Female Roundtable which she founded earlier this year with the purpose to be a community of support, innovation, and education to help all women in any career or business stage.

I look forward to partnering with Michelle again on other future opportunities as working with her is always meaningful, highly rewarding and thoroughly enjoyable!”

Alice, Consultant, fellow student at Harvard

“The Female Roundtable is such an important organization that brings together women from various industries with years of experience. The women each have their own perspective, leadership style and skills to share with other women.

The workshops, panels, and discussions that Michelle Dahl brings together always include vibrant and experienced of women of all backgrounds. They always share great information that applies to the world today no matter where you are in your business journey. “

The Female Roundtable is an amazing resource of information.

- Elisa, Small Business Owner, Author

“Words cannot express the life changing impact Michelle had on both my personal and professional life. Her ability to recognize potential in others and provide them with visibility for growth is unique. She is a selfless leader and constantly encourages her teams to continue learning and innovating to find true value for themselves and others. Michelle’s intentional dedication to the success of others is a trait rarely seen at such a senior level. She is a triple threat of intelligence, dedication and compassion. She was more than a boss, more than a mentor, more than a friend; she exemplifies the type of leader I aspire to be.”

- Ashlee, Senior Vice President

“I would not be where I am today if I had not had the opportunity to learn from Michelle. She places such an emphasis on the development of each member of her team and is an excellent coach and mentor. She is smart and fearless, and she not only taught me how to be a banker, she taught me how to be a leader. I am so grateful for my time with her!”

- Amanda, Executive Vice President, Banking

“I consider myself fortunate to have worked with Michelle as it introduced me to a dynamic leader who puts people first. Michelle’s deep and successful retail experience in collaborative innovation brings unique value to “future focused” organizations ready to make meaningful changes to their delivery systems and value propositions.”

- Aaron, Vice President

“I have served Michelle as her executive coach and therefore have a "front row" view of her personality, talents, and impact on an organization. First words that come to mind when thinking of Michelle: responsible, courageous, takes the initiative, independent thinker, plans, strategic (sees the big picture and builds a plan to win!), and gets real results.

Michelle will thrive best within an organization that has a demanding mission loaded with goals that stretch everyone and everything. Those who lead her will be secure and settled leaders with a commitment to empower and support those who serve in the executive roles. She is a force for good.”

- Chip, Executive Leadership Coach

"As a young leader, receiving guidance is paramount to kick-starting your career journey on the right path. Michelle's invaluable perspective and wealth of experience empowered me, steering me towards a mindset shift from mere individualism to embracing the roles of both an employee and a leader. Her mentorship encouraged me to adopt a broader perspective focused on organizational growth. I am deeply grateful for her guidance, as I wouldn't be where I am today without her invaluable support. Thank you, Michelle!"

- Kate, Emerging Leader, Manager

“Michelle's coaching has been life changing. I now see myself, my career, and talent in such a positive light.  I have grown exponentially knowing that my potential is even greater! She has kept me focused, and on target throughout the process. If someone is serious about taking your career or business to the next level, I recommend you work with Michelle!”

- Haydee, Vice President

“There are many attributes that I admire about Michelle, but the most important one is that she was an advocate for women.  I met many people that advocated for employees when the numbers looked good. 

 Michelle advocated not just for the results, but also for the behaviors.  Having a leader that advocates for you is important, but it is more important when it is based on specific behaviors and observations.”

- Jhoanna, Vice President

“After working with Michelle, I learned to walk into all work situations a confident woman! We pinpointed my skill set and identified the best way to sell myself. We worked through career development as well as personal development in many areas. After my experience with Michelle, I’m a more confident and respected woman in my career space.”

- Candace, Business Coach

“I was fortunate to work with Michelle. She is a very talented, smart person. Michelle sets clear direction and goals and then works tirelessly to accomplish them. Michelle is great in a team environment. Her energy and passion in contagious. Michelle is a superstar at anything she does!”

- Brenda, Chief Information Officer